How to Do Anything!

One can often find himself scrolling through his feed on Social Media, and wonder what else is there to do. Is there anything, anything at all that can fill the void of time that presents itself in front of you.

What do you do in that case? Do you simply continue to scroll, or do you stop and pick up something else.
A guitar lying in the corner, untouched for ages, a paint brush and some already dried colours, a book, with crease on the page, where you left it 2 months ago.

What do you do? You start with the easiest thing.
Pick up the damn book. Read one page. 

Pick up the guitar, and just strum it once.
Pick the paint brush, and make a single stroke on the canvas.

And that’s it. There is nothing else to it.

Seems like after all this time, Nike was correct. You have to “Just do it” inorder to do anything at all.
