The Power of Collective Imagination

Imagination is often regarded as a source of entertainment, of creativity, etc. In short, imagination is regarded as a gift for artists, but if I tell you that the whole world around you is nothing more than a piece of collective imagination. Most of the things that you know are imagination. Most of the things that you believe exists are a piece of collective imagination.

Try to think this way. Have you ever wondered what is the difference between reality and your imagination? Now, most of the people at this point will feel that the question asked is too simple to be answered. All of us know, imaginary things do not exist while reality does. But, do they? Many of the things that people think exist are not existent in any physical sense.

Let’s take an example. Consider for a second, your name. You know your name exists, but ever thought where is it’s existence? If you thought that the answer is Brain, then it’s slightly correct. We need to go deeper for this. Your name exists because it is registered on some governmental forms and is stored in some database. Ever thought why does government stores the names. Because it follows rules, rules that are also not physical or real, for examples Newton’s Law of motion, but created out of imagination and then stored on a paper. Every rule you follow was first imagined by some one and then was spread among all of us , so it became a collective imagination and finally a reality for all us. Similarly, one’s name has no existence in the real world. It is just a piece of collective imagination in all of ours mind.

“You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.” 

― Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

A quote cannot explain this better. We humans do exactly what a monkey would not. We work hard, we try to become better at every point. We give up our food, our sleep to reach some position in future or maybe even after that. We have the power of imagination that makes all of this possible.

The world order that we see around us is a nothing more then a collective piece of human imagination, that we all chose to believe in for the sake of better life. Sounds like religion to me.


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