An Open Letter to Society.

To my dear reader, I would first like to tell that the following essay is dedicated to some types of people that we come across or hear about in our day to day life. I would like to express my gratitude towards them and tell them what a positive impact they have made in my life. For the same, I will address each type of person separately as they are all masters in whatever they do.
The first type of people I want to address are bad drivers. They are amongst the most common ones that we find in our day to day life. To you dear sir, I will start by saying that you are first person to teach me something that my parents couldn’t. You taught me how to be careful while walking on the road. You sir, showed me the art of looking at all places at one time. While walking down the roads of our country I learned my lesson to look in front of me, as well as behind me, since there is no sure direction of our meeting to occur. The other lesson you taught me is the art of transferring the blame of your doings to someone else. This skillful art is not taught in any of the schools and I learned  it by you. The way you start shouting at people whom you already hurt by your bad driving is really appreciable. One of the most important lessons that I learnt  was of ways of saving myself from getting caught. This art may include sometimes gliding your two-wheeler as if you are a motocross rider and streets are the arena, or driving swiftly while others are waiting at a traffic signal. Another lesson that I learned was that the value of human life is nothing more than an accident by some careless individual who has been given the rights to ride a machine that can kill anyone. Everyday, I see at least five report on accidental deaths. This sir, has given me the insensitivity towards the topic that was not possible if was taught by some other manner. You have made me a more responsible , alert, and careful citizen for which I am really grateful to you.

The other type of people that really changed my life and showed me the truth of life are rude customers about whom we hear as well as have the privilege to share some experiences within our life. To the readers, these type of people can be found mostly in places where they can show their superiority such as restaurants(by shouting at waiter), movie theatres, etc   You sir are the one who taught me the difference between a rich and poor person, the difference between seller and customer. Most of us are fools who try to be polite with everyone as then people forget their status. You taught me how we can show our superiority over others by shouting at them and scolding them for the smallest of their crimes. Sometimes you even shouted at them for your own mistakes. All this effort on your part told me the basic difference between social status. Otherwise, I would have believed that every profession holds equal value. I still feel blessed that God sent me a savior who saved me from this illusion of mine.Someone times when I go shopping, if I am lucky, I have an encounter with your type of people. I feel that the meeting has instilled in me a unique talent to judge people the instant I find them talking to a salesperson. As one of my favorite character, Sirius Black from Harry Potter said,”If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”  , I start judging people immediately. This talent is to be credited to you. You gave me the power to judge anyone by just a single conversation with someone else. For giving me all these unique experiences and talents, I am grateful to you sir.

The third type of people I would address is the evil dictators that are present in many different countries. These type of people are the ones about whom we only hear, with no real life experience. You, sir, are most important among them all. You taught me to value my freedom, to value my life and most importantly the value of democracy. Most of us take democracy for granted and thus, don’t care enough about the rights that we have been given. At these times you serve as constant reminder of how beautiful our life is with the responsibility we have been given to play a part in the governance of our country. We, at least are able to choose our lives for ourselves. Without your presence, I would have never found out the horrors that we humans can inflict upon each other. The darker side of humans is discovered when an evil person is given power. The examples of your lessons are many more than the people I addressed before you. They threatened only a person or two(or a group) at a time but you have the power to destroy lives of million on a single bad day. One bad day, and you can kill whoever you want to in your country. Ranging from concentration camps to mass murder, you sir have risen above all, to be best in what you do. Kim Jong Un is living legend in all these terms. He has been terrifying people all over the world by giving warning of World War 3. This taught me that only a single person of your kind is capable to destroy the world as we see it now. I am really grateful for the times when you showed me how mass killing is not just a tragedy that we heard as children, but is as real as you and me. You made me a more conscious person and for that I am grateful to you.


  1. After reading this I observed one main theme "The effect of education and the lack of it on our own nature".
    As what you wrote about third type of persons, I completely disagreed with you. Kim Jong Un is totalitarian leader but what he does is fully understandable as he thought that America might attack North Korea because North Korea does not support America. According to him, he only defends his country from Trump( another dictator).

    1. Ruling a country single handedly, punishing your own defence general for sleeping during speech, killing people if they even open internet, curtailing human rights, no privacy of any form, lack of basic needs for citizen. I too agree with you that Kim Jong Un is a true leader. Trump may be a foolish leader, he is still a leader of democracy, that also one of the oldest.
      Although I don't agree with you that mass killings and concentration camps are good, but people are entitled to their opinions.

    2. I am strongly disagree with you that whatever Trump does on the name of oldest democracy is good. And I also condemned Modi government that on the name of well-being of peoples and on the name of democracy he does whatever he want. This is not democracy, this is called Aristocracy government where only few ruled affairs of whole state just like cabinet ministers in India and who take majority of decisions. Good example is GST, they implemented it by saying it is good for country's economy but according to world bank report, GST is failed in its 1st quarter and causes inconvenience to masses. And another example is President of United States of America, Mr. Donald Trump on the name of democracy reverves all the decisions of Barack Obama and majority of its ministers in his cabinet is his family members. So, basically my point is you cannot distinguished two nations on its name whether that country name is democratic or not. You have to see and analyse what's happening inside.

    3. Never said Trump did good or Modi is better. Read my argument carefully, have a nice sip of cold water, think before you write and may be you will find peace. Typing big paragraph with big words like "aristocracy", "GST" and "condemned" wont help you understand the point of my last comment. SO relax, take some good rest. And if possible have a good night sleep.

    4. That was really lit 😂😂


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