The one who was left behind.

On the edge of the window sill, he was sitting, with legs swinging swiftly cutting the air. His head was still heavy after drinking for hours. No one was with him. Sitting alone, thinking about the love he lost today. The memories were haunting him. The good times they had together, the love they used to have. He was devoted and she was too, or so he thought until yesterday. When he found out that she cheated on him and he was just there for her needs. He was used as an object. The anger and frustration that he had in him were draining away with tears, but what about the hollow that she left behind? What about the vacuum that her cheating has created in his life. Dreaming about a better life, he pushed himself away from the window, from the pain and from the hollow that was created. The tragedy has not occurred yet. 

1600 KM away, his mom woke up suddenly from her sleep. Feeling uneasy. She broke her husband's sleep complaining that she felt something was not right. He controlled her and calmed her down. Next morning the final tragedy occurred when his parents received the news. He left his mom behind taking away her sole purpose of life with him.
