Our understanding of the universe.

What do you think about this world? 

What is it? Is it really just a coincidence that we all are here at this moment? Or it was all planned beforehand? Or is it some mysterious god’s work about whom we have no clue in real sense? Or may be our ancestors were really some alien who resided on  the earth once in past?

No one can give an answer that can be proven. The popular big bang theory, as explained Sir Stephen Hawking give us some idea about how the universe as whole entity developed from a mere nothing to everything that we see today . Where was the first life form developed? And the tougher question is how? I have read a theory which suggests that on newly created earth there was abundance of ammonia present. And due to some conditions these ammonia molecules combined with some other elements to form amino acids, which in turn combined to give a first entity that moved on its own. And after that Darwin’s theory takes the key role and explains us how life is as we today feel it.

We humans have a curious mind under whose supervision we try to find out the reasons that best suits us. Every theory developed by an individual is in accordance to some experiment he/she has performed, i.e; that suits him/her best. Although some people have raised themselves above this level, majority of us still believe what we can observe . This ability of ours is the key to future and its development. 

I personally believe that this whole universe is created by mistake. That some random moment a tiny particle appeared out of nowhere and this universe was created. It was created with the probability that I have to be becoming President of the United States, which of course is tending towards zero. That whatever we see today is just a coincident. Because this belief leads to certain other beliefs. This single conclusion helps to believe in myself that I can create my own future in whatever ways I like. And I certainly like to be controlled rather than being controlled by. But alas!!! We can never we sure.
