Republic Day 2017

On this day (26 January, 1950) 68 years ago, India officially became the ‘Democratic Republic of India’. The 308 member union signed 2 documents (One in English and Other in Hindi) and thus the constitution came into its being. After 68 years of being a republic, the country is in the state that we see it today. Is it what we dreamed of it of being? Now, I am in no position to comment on that but I can do one thing. Today I will post on my blog the developments we have made since our constitution came into force.

Now, I will start with things that we are familiar with because if I use every data then it will be more of a document rather than a blog.
Some of the data are given in the table below

Before British Invasion
At Independence
      1.      Poverty
Not available
21.92% of total population
      2.      Literacy
Not available
74.04% of total population
      3.      Share in world         economy
      4.      Length Of                 Roads
Not available
399.9 km
4865.4 km
      5.      Population
0.127 billion
0.359 billion
1.252 billion
6.   Food grain                 production
Not available
 53 million tonne
 283.2 million tonne

We can see from the stats above we have developed a lot since our Independence. British Invasion left us wounded but we rose back to some of our heights. May be rise in population is not a fact to be that about but I am still proud of my fellow countrymen for reaching such great heights. We also see from above data that British invasion also decreased our economy majorly trading of textile and clothing which was approx. 23 % in 1700 but was reduced to 0.04 % in 1947.  Talking about British invasion I would suggest my readers to view Shashi Tharoor’s speech at Oxford, “Britain Does Owe Reparation to India”. The link is

We are a developing nation, but I am proud to say that what we have achieved after last 70 years of independence is much more than what many are able to achieve in more than a century although I agree that there are some problem that needs our attention. But as a wise man once said “Never criticize your country when you have done nothing to develop it “, I will satisfy myself with just praising our country.

Lastly I would congratulate every other fellow country man a happy republic day.  For everyone else, I still wish you a happy republic day. 
