Mathematics: Natures Diary

Mathematics, as I know it, is beautiful by its very basic unit. The beauty lies in the fact that everything that we see in today’s world can be described by the help of some certain mathematical results and formulas. Some of us think that every event in our life is random and cannot be determined beforehand but some people claim that every event of our life is predetermined or as they out it “is destined to occur”. The very essence of this lies in the fact that every macro observation is judged by some simple underlying principle. Einstein’s theory explains to large amount, the nature of gravity and gives us to fair amount of accuracy, their trajectories.

Many of us reject even the remote of possibility of ancient arts of predicting future. Most of them do it without even giving it a second thought. The first idea of astrology was conceived by Maharishi Bhrigu. He compiled over 500,000 horoscopes to produce a first book which gave predictions based on birth date and planetary positions on that specific time. Judging by the planetary positions we can compare a person’s characteristic traits with that from the data present in the book. Although most of the original piece of work is lost but the idea still makes us wonder if it was ever possible.

If we consider the above observation from skeptical view we might think that it all just piece of rubbish. What I see is that character of a person is a dependent variable which depends on independent variables such as planetary positions, which in turn can be a function of more complicated variable system. It is more like a mathematical correlation. We see same observation if look more into some other about theory macro world like big bang theory, we see that distance of planet it continuously increasing. Imagining it presents itself with bigger problem. Try imagining it like as if there is picture and we zoom it, what we find is that every pixel of the image is stretching itself and thus getting far from every other point. Now imagine it on bigger scale, on a much bigger scale. Every planet or heavenly body is a pixel which is getting away from others. And we know zooming is a created by human with an algorithm. So why can’t this mean that universe is also coded program. Our understanding is limited but our imagination is not.
